The fight is over…

On Wednesday morning at 4am I received a phone call that my Uncle was worried about my Nan, she was breathing quite rapidly, so I went to help.

10 years ago she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and dementia and she has declined over the years. She no longer speaks, and requires full time care which my family and carers provide. 

On arrival I knew she was very ill and I called 999. The paramedics took her (and me)  on blue lights and sirens with sepsis to hospital. 

I stayed by her side whilst they investigated, and settled on pneumonia. 

On Wednesday evening they moved her to a ward, and she had dinner, it seemed really positive… she’d even eaten food that wasn’t purée like she’s had for a long time. She smiled at me, and I got a brilliant photo. 

The following morning, she had declined and had become unconscious. By 3pm she had lost her ability to swallow. The dr told us 24hrs, but was willing to put her on more antibiotics on the strength of the photo I took the night before. 

At 9.25pm I was called to the hospital. At 9.47pm I held her hand whilst she peacefully slipped away in no pain. 

She knew she was loved, and now she’s reunited with her husband (my grandad)  and family. 

The next few days will be hard, X and H call her the Queen, and trying to explain death to them has been tricky. 

We had lots of plans for the week ahead, but they’ve all changed drastically now, but we’ll get through it. 

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